Starting your own business can be an exciting yet demanding journey, but it will not only grant you the freedom to be your own decision-maker but also offer unlimited growth opportunities. In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential steps to successfully establish your trucking business, empowering you to navigate the highways of entrepreneurship with confidence. Let's explore the key factors that will set you on the path to becoming the entrepreneur in the transportation industry.
1. Choose the Right Business Structure
When legally establishing a trucking company, it's important to choose the business entity structure that best suits your needs. Two common options for trucking companies are a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and an S Corporation. However, be aware that there are other entity options available. It is highly recommended to seek guidance from an attorney and/or an accountant.
2. Obtain the Necessary Licenses and Permits
The trucking industry is highly regulated, and obtaining the required licenses and permits is a must. Here are some essential licenses and permits you need to apply for:
USDOT Number: A unique identifier assigned to companies that operate commercial vehicles involved in interstate commerce.
MC Number: Companies engaged in certain types of interstate transportation activities are required to obtain an operating authority known as an MC Number, in addition to the USDOT Number.
UCR Registration: The Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) program is a federally-mandated system for the registration of commercial motor carriers involved in interstate and international operations.
BOC-3 Form: The Designation of Agents for Service of Process (BOC-3) is a federal filing that assigns a process agent to accept legal documentation on behalf of a transportation or logistics company in each state where the company is authorized to do business.
SCAC: The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a unique two-to-four-letter code used to identify transportation companies.
3. Insurance
Once you've established your company and obtained necessary licenses and permits, the next crucial step is to secure insurance for your business.
Key consideration to bear in mind is that most brokers will not engage with you until your MC status has been active for at least 3 months (MC status becomes active once your company's insurance is in effect).During the initial 3 months period, it's necessary to have your liability insurance only, not cargo. After this period, you can then proceed to add cargo insurance to your coverage.
Commercial Auto Liability Commercial Auto Liability Insurance is a crucial insurance product in the trucking industry. It offers essential protection against claims from injuries and property damage caused to others. This insurance is considered the most important coverage in trucking.
Cargo Insurance Motor Truck Cargo Insurance is the coverage that follows auto liability insurance in the sequence. It should be added after the initial 3 months of having active liability insurance. This insurance offers protection for shipments against loss, damage, or theft during transportation. Its purpose is to specifically cover the cargo being transported while it is in transit.
4. Registration and Tax Accounts
When it comes to trucking, managing taxes and registrations is crucial for running a successful and compliant business. Here are some important taxes and agreements you need to be aware of:
IFTA: The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) simplifies the reporting and payment of fuel taxes for interstate carriers operating in the lower 48 U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Adhering to IFTA requirements streamlines fuel tax reporting.
IRP: The International Registration Plan (IRP) is a reciprocity agreement among states in the United States, the District of Columbia, and provinces in Canada. The IRP facilitates the registration and operation of commercial motor vehicles across multiple jurisdictions, making cross-border travel more manageable.
HUT: The Highway Use Tax (HUT) is a federal tax imposed on heavy vehicles that weigh 55,000 pounds or more and operate on public highways. It's essential to calculate and pay this tax to ensure legal operation.
Starting your own trucking business can be both rewarding and challenging. Success in this industry requires careful planning, commitment to safety, and excellent service. Remember, it may take time to build your reputation and clientele, but with dedication and perseverance, your trucking business can reach new horizons.